Here are the pictures I took along the way. Hopefully, they'll be integrated into the story soon (but first, I've got to write it!). Hit the name, you'll get a small picture; hit Big, and you'ee get the big version.


Starting out (Big)

Smores at half-moon bay (Big)

Leigh at Big Sur (Big)

Highway 1 (Big)

Big Sur Finish (Big)

Big Sur Finish - All (Big)

Heasrt Castle (Big)

Rock and Roll Diner (Big)

Hop Sing (Big)

Leo Carillo Camp (Big)

Center of the Universe (Big)

Donald Duck (Big)

Tigger (Big)

Emma (Big)

Tigger again (Big)

Gazebo (Big)

Cafe (Big)

A prettey anemic collection of pictures, all in all.